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All Sites do not have electric or water

​Only quiet generators please.


Camping will be available for those that wish to stay on site for the festival.  Sites Will be sold as sites only this year. All campers will be required to purchase weekend passes at the full price up until 7/18/24  and have them available upon check in. The sites include a non-electric and non-water site for both Friday and Saturday evenings.  Please take note that each camper is required to have a weekend pass,


sites are assigned upon arrival. 

all campers must have weekend ticket to festival as no tailgating is allowed.


No shower facilities are available.

No dump station available.

Toilets available for people camping.


Check-in will begin at 9am on Friday 7/19.

Check-out by noon on Sunday 7/21.


When you arrive at the festival, tell the parking volunteer that you are camping and show your camping registration. Also provide weekend pass for wristband for each camper. Follow the camping signs past the festival grounds to the camping registration table. You must show your camping registration at the registration table and provide your cell phone number and license number, as well as the names of everyone camping at that site. You will be directed to your assigned camping spot. NO CHANGING OF SITES WILL BE ALLOWED.



  • The camping pass includes site only. Everyone camping must have weekend admission passes to the festival.

  • maximum of 4 campers per site

  • No Tailgating is allowed

  • access to festival grounds (barn, stage, merchandise tent) is during festival times only

  • No fireworks

  • No weapons

  • No illegal activities


Please be respectful of your fellow campers and maintain a reasonable level of quiet during overnight hours. (midnight- 7 am)


We look forward to seeing you at the festival!


For more information please contact us at


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